Tickets are NOW HERE for ROBBIE COLLINS next fight on the monster YOKKAO show at the Macron Stadium in Bolton. Robbie takes on Niall Brown who trains under Master Sken in an A – CLASS bout – FULL THAI RULES.
This fight has been matched at a heavier weight than Robbie usually competes – set @ 72kg rather than his usual 69kg limit. Robbie is training harder than ever for this and his next fight and we would like all the support possible for these tough matches. Yokkao Shows are the cream of Muay Thai Events.
This see’s Erawan Thai Boxing set to make yet ANOTHER appearance on the Worlds premier Muay Thai show. We have been lucky enough to have fighters on these shows since the first Yokkao event that hit the UK – Yokkao 8. This will be our 5th (6th had it not been for an injury) time taking part on this huge event. Another great testament supporting our track record of producing quality fighters.
This weekend is huge and offers a great atmosphere, its also worth noting that this event is back to being hosted on a SATURDAY. You can reserve your tickets via Steven at the Gym, Robbie direct or Robbies mam – Maxine. All via facebook messenger, telephone or in person.